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i want the rooftop guy ong


omg the other one is cute too


y do i like the side characters more

Which side character? XD


i love the rooftop dude, oml but Gideon is also adorable imo


I'm so excited to see how the story has progressed since I played the first Hexed Pets games! Thanks for putting in the time for this :)

I hope you like it!!!


The Mac version doesn't seem to work... the permissions are wrong and when I fix them, it just crashes... happens on my Intel and M1 MacBook Pros. :'(

I'll try pulling out my old Windows laptop to see if I can get it to run there.


Try downloading and running the game from the itch app (

It usually works great when my Macbook's being difficult.


Wow... that actually worked! Thank you so so much!

I thought it was an issue with RPGMaker and MacBook Pro 1.10.5+ compatibility... but it's great to see it working after fiddling with all sorts of permissions and trying to cd into the game folder and fiddle around with things! Thank you so much! I had no idea that this existed.


I'm so happy to see Grandma's face again. <3.

Excited to play this! Is there a way to play the originals or have they all been discontinued?

They have been unpublished TwT

Thank you for this new lovely game πŸ±πŸ’›

I can't wait to play it and discover all the differences from the previous version.

My Micah is such a dumbass idiot. He is stuck in the school on his first day and can't find his way out xD

 If a kind soul will help him πŸ™

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Where are you stuck?

If you don't know what to do, you can take a look at the quests in the menu! 

Thanks for your reply 🧑

I feel like a bit of an idiot. I was looking for a door to get out of the school when all I had to do was click on an area outside 🀣

At least now Micah knows the school like the back of his hand ;)


It was a really cute and captivating game.

I personally like this game as much as the first Hexed Pet games.

In the first ones Micah only dealt with one curse at a time so there was more time to develop the relationship with the cursed boys. Maybe that's what's missing in this game. Especially for players who don't already know the love interests. The focus is more on the investigations and the life lessons that come with it.
I loved being able to move the character which makes the game more interactive and the little moments of life with the LI's are adorable.
Very nice artworks as always.

Thank you for your work πŸ•πŸ§‘

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I appreciate it!

OH MY !!!!!!! SNAKE IS BACK !!!!!

I'm definitely playing tonight and of course my first target will be my baby snake ! So, so cute **

He has a collar now XDXD

A collar... I did not see that but now I only see it XD

Unfortunately I can't play the game. I'm on mac and when I click on the game it says "Impossible to open application Game."

Noooooo let me play with snaky and others sweet characters ;w; !!!!!

I added a web build instead! I hope that works for you! Sorry for the inconvenience. 

It's so nice of you !!! **

It doesn't work I get : SecurityError The operation is insecure.

But don't worry I know someone whom I can borrow the computer so I'll play it tomorrow. 

Thank you anyway, it's always nice seeing someone caring so much about their readers/players. 

I promise to make a detailed report after playing the game ! <3

Thank you! TwT

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🧐🧐🧐 puppy boi is MC's secret twin!!! Lucas changed his name to Micah🧐

Ahhh stop calling out my same-face syndrome. I'm running out of designs XDXDXDXdXD

Wow! This is amazing! Can't wait for the next novel!!!! :)

Haha! Hopefully soon XD

I never played the original so I am excited to play this!

That's fine! The original isn't that good so I hope the remake is better!

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DID I EVER TELL YA HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU???πŸΆπŸ• why is Cain a snake? hater.lmao

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I love you too XD 

omg I’m so excited you brought them back thanks so much :)

It's completely different from the original so I hope it's better!

never saw/played the orig πŸ˜”

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