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Very good, meow.


Thanks, meow XD


It just hit me after I finished the game that mao = cat, yang = sheep. XD Cute and wholesome game as always!

But I failed to give the sheep white hair lol XD Thanks for checking this  out as always!

(1 edit) (+1)

this game was so wholesome and cute :3!! The potion making and delivery was simple but also effective since it was a unique addition! love the game&art, keep up with the good work :P


Thank you so much ^^


Whey can i not deliver the poison


At the top, you can see the directions that you have to go in other to deliver it

I can't either, no clicking or buttons do anything... I just get he message "I don't think I'm at the right place" :I


It is cute, fun, and wholesome. It will make you laugh at some points and think at other points. :)


Thank you for the review ^^


It looks so cutee

Im gonna have to play it after school tho -n-


I hope you enjoy it!


this looks cute!


Hope you like it!