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(3 edits) (+1)

Do you know how to fix this? Every time I try to play it says it'll put my computer at risk does it have something to do with me being on Windows 11? 


I think you can just click on more info and allow access. There is no malware. Sometimes windows give false warnings for indie games sadly. 


That was insane! I don't want to spoil too much but damn, these endings weren't what I was expecting at all! (And in a good way) 













The one where we end up killing the priest anyway, despite putting down the knife was terrifying😭😭😭 so congratulations, you really nailed the creepy tag! 

Btw, I've spotted some typos and I was wondering where we could report them to you?


Ooo I would appreciate that! I didn't hire an editor for this one so I appreciate the help 💪You can comment it here or you can DM me on twitter or insta at @chanimk_vn


Okay so I don't remember if there's more but these are the ones I saw during my runs!

You're => Your


Enagaged => engaged


Kiss => kissed


Thanks! Once again, I appreciate it!

(2 edits) (+2)

May I know what you used to make this? :0 

I plan on making a visual novel one day ^^ you inspire me so very much! :)) 

[im also like REALLY addicted to Samael, and Andrew- 👁👁]




I use renpy and clip studio paint! Renpy is great and easy to learn. 

I wish you the best!

(3 edits) (+1)


After finishing the game "Forgive my sins, Father" I really wanted them to be together sooooooooooooooo

Just finished a second ending, and man... I FUCKING CRIED- HOW MUCH I WANTED THEM TO BE TOGETHER..

I cried for a solid 15mins or so before I could acttuilly bring myself to calm down and finish it!! (I ended waking up my siblings because of my crying- I was so loud that i couldnt stop- THAT'S HOW MUCH I WANTED THEM TO BE TOGETHERRR) I LOVE TIHS GAME SO MUCH, IT WILL FOREVER BE IN MY HEART, Again... I plan on making fan art soon :))))

Thank you so so very much for this amazing game!! Ive never cried to a game, or BL thing before, and im a SIMP for BL, so this novel making me cry gets a 10/10 LITTERITLY, Im never going to uninastall this game.

The story is amazing, and fills me up with saddness, and joy!! (witch is good!!!) 


But i also dont wanna finish it since theirs likly not to be more to come, :'))) (I will end up finishing the game tho)

Thank you so very much for this amazing game once again! you have my full appercation <33

I cant wait to see what you come up with next :0 




Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it! This comment made my day X3


Eh?! Uwaaaaa. Im glad too see this <3 thankfully its our break now xD I both enjoy their pov and so the endings *cough*


UwU I so glad to hear you enjoy both


I LOVED THIS SMM, i almost got emotional when the preiest was really upset about hosting the wedding. also please make a sequel, i love this a lot


Thanks for playing XD. If I get inspired to make a sequel one day, I will! XD

(1 edit) (+1)

There is not much stuff I can say about this game. But it was amazing to play this game 


Thank you!


I finally got the time to play it!

I really enjoy playing "Forgive my Sins" and I have to say thank you so much for bringing this sequel, I loved to play with Samael and see his pov =) Now I have to unlook all the other endings!


Awwnn thanks for playing <3


Just finished both Povs loved em :D


Thank you so much for playing! And happy new year!! XD

I really like this game do ever plan to make a another sequel for this game ?

Thank you for your interest! But I currently don't have any ideas for a sequel at the moment. 

Well I have a few ideas for a sequel to this game! Maybe a game where we can play as Danielle and know more about her or a game where we can see her endings PS: I have some ending ideas as well

You know, he says "forgive my desires" but I don't think he really means that lol

(1 edit)

Also for the other original title. 'Forgive my Sins' he says but he don't mean it at the end 🤣🤣🤣

(1 edit)

I played Forgive My Sins and enjoyed it. Then I decided to give this a try and managed to land the ending where Priest Andrew and Samael ended up together. And I'm horribly concerned lol! Poor Priest Andrew can't recognize that he is once again in a potentially abusive relationship. It could be better though if they take it easy and Samael gets some professional help, or at least therapy. 

WAIT, LET ME REPHRASE. I managed to land all the endings and honestly, while the two yandere endings were delightfully horrifying (because Samael is so innocent even while hurting the person he loves? its like he doesn't fully comprehend it?), I truthfully enjoyed the ending where Andrew and Samael kiss but Samael still tries to go through with the wedding, but it turns out they run away together. Because Andrew was like, hold on honeybunch, let's take it one day at a time, instead of letting Samael slip a ring on his finger. It felt more natural in their relationship, strife before the honeymoon stage, so to speak. 

I like to think that they're a perfect match since they balance each other. Hopefully, there won't be any bumps in their relationship X33. 

Finally!! Brb gonna play the game!

I hope you enjoy it! ^^

I am having issues playing the game. When I get to the first choice my game either freezes or crashes. Whenever I hover over an option with my mouse the game crashes. Is there anything I can do to fix it

Since it's a common issue, I'm currently working on another build where the hover issue won't occur since the current file I'm using seems to be heavy. Apologies for the inconvenience. 

(1 edit)

I've already played "Forgive my sins father" and now i'm exited to play this one :D

Edit: So i finished the game and it was good. But i preferred the first because the Father seemed reasonable but in this game, spoiler

The two more crazy endings were kinda sugercoating this mess. And i don't mind messed up stories but it felt somewhat out of character with the father that it was just weird and unsatisfying. But all in all i would give it a 4 out of 5

Interesting! Thanks for your feedback!

Just finished all the endings, and man, I loved every bit of it! One of the first games of yours I discovered was Forgive My Sins, Father so I was really excited to see that you were working on this. It was worth the wait! 

I really enjoyed seeing things through Samael's perspective, the way it was framed felt so emotionally rich but not like in a pretentious way? I know it's darker compared to your other games but I think you really pulled it off. Your writing and characterisation is so good and I literally couldn't stop playing it. I loved the art, sound design, and UI too! 

All in all, thank you so much for blessing us with a high quality, free visual novel like this! I can't wait to see more of your work :)


Your comment made me really happy. I really realllyyyy appreciate it! Thank you very much! <3

It's here! I love all your games. I'm so glad i found you. Thank you for existing <3 <3


Omg, that is so sweet TwT. Thank you <333

For some reason when I try to download the game for mac, it just end up downloaded the window version instead? I've try downloading in the download page and the itch app version but both doesn't work.

Hi! Apologies for the inconvenience, but I had just resolved the issue. It should work now!


It's here!!!!



This might just be a problem for me, but whenever I hover my mouse over the two choices when first meeting the Priest, the game immediately shuts down. I don't really know what's going on?

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not sure about the problem either. my guess is that since the choices are video files, it might be heavy for some systems? But I'm just speculating.

I've been waiting for this game I feel bad that it took you long to make the game and I finished it in one night 😅 anyways I really liked it and the ending when Samael killed the Priest and was wondring why he's not answering was so sick omg 😂 

Don't feel bad! It's alright since it's a 90 minute long game X3 And I'm glad you like it <3

Hats off to you on this game!! It was amazing loved crazy MC keep up the great work!!!!

Thank you very much! <3

You're welcome!!!

LOVE IT SO MUCHHHH the two good endings are so cute ugh 

I'm so happy to hear that you love it! X3 

that ending 😭 Actually, those two endings.. 


Yeah, the two happy endings and the two bad endings are like the complete opposite hehee XDXD


Ah I just got done playing the game, I loved it ^^. I'm looking forward to any other game you make in the future!

Thank you very much! That makes me so happy to hear ^^

well,if it's like the other i think i can play it.This is  Samael'S point of view right? i mean it's the same game but we play has samael? :v Anyway,i'm looking foward to play it,see ya soon.


Yup! It's longer. Darker and psychological than the original, but no other horror elements! XD


ive been waiting so impatiently for this, and rightfully so!

i love your work SO MUCH, you did such an amazing job. thank you for making this <3


Thanks for playing! It means a lot! X3

I haven't done all roads yet but I couldn't help myself but to come here leave a comment... This is far better than my expectations!!! I already was expecting much, but this exceeded! The story is very well-written and it is VERY thrillin and exciting, I felt like watching a movie or a series! It is very interesting to see that there's a lot more to Samael's backstory than we saw on 'Forgive me, father'. I loved it, very very very much!

Awesome and fantastic job!!


Thank you!! That makes me sooo happy to hear TwT


I HAVE SPEEDRUNNED LIFE TO SEE THIS. Wonderful job mate art amazing!


Thank you very much as always X3

im just casually commenting on all your projects since hush little lily came out and all your projects are amazing! glad i found your games randomly!

(1 edit)

Awwwn. That's so sweet. Thank you!

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